September 10, 2012

Safely Utilizing Wireless Networks on a Desktop Computer

With the proliferation of wireless networks comes the salivation of computer hackers and identity thieves. Not to worry though, with a few uncomplicated steps an commonplace computer user can be roughly inevitable that his sensitive data and internet activities will remain anonymous:

Step 1: While seemingly obvious, Never associate to an unsecured wireless network. Any private with half a brain and a packet sniffer can actually decipher your data.

Step 2: actually less obvious, nevertheless vital, whenever connecting to a secured wireless network try to use one that is Wpa encrypted. Routers are ordinarily encrypted with Wep, however, nefarious individuals can use a operating theory called Backtrack that can actually crack this type of encryption and wreak havoc on you.

Step 3: Ensure your computer has a reputable anti virus schedule and spyware detector that is permanently updated and runs weekly scans.

Step 4: Whenever inputting sensitive data such as bank account numbers, passwords, credit card numbers etc. Check your web browser to see that the Url has a https:// in the beginning which signifies that it is running under Ssl security; this roughly ensures your data will be handled with the utmost security.

For added Reading: There are a plethora of other ways (free and monetized) that can supply even added security while utilizing wireless networks. Other ways of ensuring fully encrypted and anonymous browsing are not itsybitsy to: utilizing free and paid proxies within your browser or outside, paying for or using a free Vpn( Virtual inexpressive Network).

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